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5 ways to inspire and retain young employees
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Written by City Job Offers

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How to keep Millennial and Gen Z employees at your company long term

Millennial and Gen Z employees now make up one of the largest groups of workers and their preferences for how they want to work, live, and spend their leisure time is going to have an impact on how businesses operate for years to come. To help your company retain these employees, it’s essential to understand what they value most from their job.

In general, they are looking for companies that offer opportunities for growth within a manageable commute, as well as opportunities to advance and take on new challenges. 

Fortunately, there are ways to retain your young employees and keep them happy at work.

Here’s how you can make Millennials and Gen Z feel welcome staying with your company for the long haul:

1. Establish a Culture of Transparency

If your company culture is built on transparency, it will automatically lead to trust. Employees who trust their employer more are more likely to stay at the company.

Also, employees who feel like they’re part of the process are more likely to be happy at work and want to stay. There are some basic ways to establish transparency. 

Provide your employees with a clear job description at the start of their employment. This helps everyone know exactly what their role is and how their work fits into the company’s bigger picture. Transparency also means providing clear paths for advancement and clearly defined paths for career development. 

It also means that you have regular, open-door policies where employees can discuss anything with the boss, from work-related issues to salary.

2. Offer Flexibility and Manage Expectations

With the rise of the freelance economy and remote work, flexibility in the workplace has become a must-have. It’s not just young employees who are demanding it either. All generations are asking for more flexibility in the office. 

There are lots of different ways you can offer flexibility. You can have a flextime policy and let employees decide what hours they want to work. You can also offer remote/hybrid work. This will allow employees to work where they are happiest. 

This means they can stay in their current location if they need to but still have a fulfilling career. There are also ways to manage expectations with your young employees. If they want more flexibility, be sure to communicate expectations around meeting deadlines, completing projects on time, and being available when needed.

3. Provide Professional Development Opportunities

Millennial and Gen Z employees want to grow and learn. Having professional development opportunities is an important element that young employees place a big emphasis on when choosing a job. To do this, you can have a regular training program for employees.

This could be a short course or seminar on a relevant part of the job. It could even be an online course. 

Another way to offer professional development is through mentorship programs. You can pair employees with mentors who are experts in the field or are senior members of staff.

4. Offer an Equitable Benefits Package

When it comes to benefits, there are certain areas you need to focus on when you’re offering an attractive package for young employees. 

Besides a proper salary, health insurance is an important benefit. When hiring, you need to make sure that you’re providing a good health insurance plan and that your employees can afford it. 

Benefits that work to protect an employee’s mental and physical well-being are key to keepings these employees. These perks can Include recognition programs, appreciation packages, discounts and rewards, wellness programs, and making the office a fun environment.

5. Exciting company events and social activities

This is a great way to boost morale and keep employees happy at work. There are lots of ways you can do this. You can host company-wide happy hours or even company-wide dinners to get employees out of the office. 

You can also offer regular social team-building activities like board game nights or yoga sessions. You can even go beyond regular events and offer special activities that employees can take part in. This could be anything from hosting a charity event to sending employees on a retreat.


The best way to retain young employees is to show your employees that they’re important to you. Respect and show them that you value their contributions. When you put these strategies into place, you’ll find that your young employees are more satisfied with their jobs.

This means they’re more likely to stay at the company for the long-haul. In turn, this will help you build a strong, agile workforce for the future.


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