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20 words you should know to land your next job
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The ultimate encyclopedia for job seekers: 20 key definitions to help you get hired

Job seekers need to know a few key terms in order to navigate the job search process. It’s easy to get caught up in the “career jargon”.

If you don’t understand what those words mean, how can you possibly convey them effectively when speaking with an employer? Knowing terms like these can help you stand out from other candidates and get noticed by potential employers.

To make things a little easier for you, here’s a list of key terms to help you along the way.

These terms can help you make sense of the job search process and get your career off to a great start. By familiarizing yourself with them now, you’ll be one step closer to finding a job that’s right for you.

1. Job application

A job application is a form or collection of documents (such as a CV and cover letter) that an individual completes and submits when applying for a job. The application may include questions about the applicant’s work history, education, skills, and other information.

This information allows the employer to review the candidates in order to determine if the applicant is qualified or not.

2. CV

A curriculum vitae (CV) is basically condensed versions of your job history. It is a document that outlines your educational background, work experiences, and skills. It is used to apply for jobs.

It is written in a professional style that highlights your skills that are relevant to the job that you are applying for. Remember to tailor your CV to each job you apply for and use keywords from each job description.

CVs can also include some of your hobbies or volunteer work and show off your personality. You can be creative but just make sure it can be connected to the job or the company’s culture or values.

3. Cover letter

A cover letter is a letter that is sent with your CV that further explains your qualifications but also your motivations.

A well-written and compelling cover letter can make a huge difference in your application process. It’s a chance to introduce yourself and demonstrate that you are a strong candidate for the position.

A cover letter should be short (one page max) and focused on why you are interested in this position and how your experience will benefit the company. Think about what makes you stand out from other candidates. Try to focus on the reason why this role is a perfect fit for you, rather than listing all of your credentials.

4. Entry-level

In general, entry-level positions are those that require little to no experience or skill. These jobs are often used as a way to get your foot in the door of a company or industry.

These positions are also known as junior roles that don’t need much previous training.

5. Employment gaps

An employment gap, or CV gap, is a period of time when you are not employed. The length of the employment gap is dependent on many factors..

It is important to note that an employment gap does not necessarily mean that a person was unemployed during this time period. They may have done volunteer work, taken care of children at home, or been at school during this time period.

6. Job requirements

Job requirements are the qualifications and type of profile that employers are looking for in a candidate. These can include years of experience, languages, and other skills.

The person applying for a job should be aware of the company’s needs and requirements so that they know whether or not they are qualified.

7. References

The job reference is a written statement from an employer, colleague, or teacher that provides information about an employee to another employer.

They are typically detailed lists of information about the applicant’s work history, skills, and experience.

These recommendations can also work if someone applying for a job at a company knows someone who already works there. Having an internal reference can help you stand out from other applicants and have more credibility.

8. Personal statement

A personal statement is essentially the “about me” section in your CV. It is a brief introduction of yourself.

It is important for the personal statement to be concise, clear and relevant. It will help you to get noticed by recruiters who may have hundreds of CVs to go through.

9. Soft skills

Soft skills are the skills used to interact with other people. They include things like communication, empathy, and self-awareness. They are more interpersonal or relational.

Soft skills can be learned and improved. They are more general and are needed in any job. Examples of soft skills are:

    • Empathy.
    • Teamwork.
    • Creativity.
    • Adaptability.
    • Problem-solving.

10. Hard skills

The term “hard skills” is often used to refer to the technical skills required for a particular job. These specific skills can be learned through training or experience.

Some examples of hard skills are:

    • Basic Coding.
    • Editing.
    • Project management.
    • Marketing Research.
    • Translation.

11. Reskilling

The idea of reskilling is to adapt to the changing needs of the job market. This can be done by either acquiring knowledge and skills in a new field or by improving one’s existing skills.

Reskilling is not just about changing jobs or changing careers. It’s about making sure that you’re prepared for the future and changes in your sector or career path.

12. ATS

An Applicant Tracking System is an online system that helps companies to find suitable candidates for a job.

An ATS is a software that helps employers to find the best candidates. It does this by looking at the skills and experience of the candidate and matching it with the requirements of the company.

13. Keywords

CV keywords are the words that you add to your CV in order to make it more searchable. It also makes it easier for a potential employer to quickly see if you are qualified for the job.

Keywords are important because they help you get noticed by recruiters. They make your CV more visible in search engines and they also help you rank higher on job boards.

14. Networking

Networking is a process of making connections with other people and organizations to help you reach your goals. Networking can be done in person or through digital channels.

Networking is not just about meeting people. It’s about building relationships with them and learning from them. It’s about sharing knowledge, ideas, and information with others with similar interests or with others in your sector.

15. Behavioral interview questions

Behavioral interview questions are questions that are asked to the job candidate in order to assess the way they have acted in certain situations in the past.

Some of these behavioral interview questions include:

    • Give an example of how you set goals.
    • Tell me about a goal you set and reached and how you achieved it.
    • Tell me about an obstacle you overcame.

16. Situational interview questions

Situational interview questions are used to evaluate how a candidate would handle a hypothetical situation at work.

Examples of situational questions include:

    • If you were asked to take on a task you haven’t done before, how would you respond?
    • If you didn’t agree with a decision your team made, what would you do?
    • How would you deal with a customer who is unhappy with your service?

17. Workplace culture

Workplace culture can be determined by the employees and managers. It can also be determined by the company’s values and mission statement. Some companies may be more formal, others may be more laid back.

The workplace culture is about how people behave at work and how they interact with each other. It’s about how people feel when they come to work in the morning and how they feel when they leave at night.

18. Portfolio

A work portfolio is a collection of your most recent or most relevant work samples that show what you can do.

It may be a website, blog, social media account, or any other way to showcase the skills and experience you have.

It is important to keep in mind that your portfolio should not just be about the past but also about the future. Showcase how you are continuing to grow and develop as a professional.

19. Hybrid workplace

A hybrid workplace is a workplace that combines the physical office and the digital office. It is a place where people can work together in person as well as digitally. Perhaps someone will go to the office three times a week and work remotely the other two days.

The onsite workplace is a place where employees are required to work at the company’s headquarters.

A remote workplace is a work environment in which employees work remotely, outside of the office. This means they can be anywhere in the world and still get their work done.

20. Follow-up

Follow-up is a professional courtesy. It is the act of following up with a person or organization who has previously been in contact with you. This can include sending out a thank-you note, following up on an application, or reminding someone about an important meeting.

It is important to follow up after any contact that you have made with a potential employer because it shows that you are interested and serious about the position.

💡Simple mistakes can hurt your chances of getting hired but thankfully, these errors can be avoided. Discover 6 simple mistakes that might be hurting your job search. Read more here →

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