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Just got fired? Here’s how to land your next job
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How to find a new job after getting laid off

If you’re reading this, you are most likely looking for a new job. It’s not easy to get back on your feet after getting fired — in fact, it can be downright scary if you feel like no one wants to hire someone who has been terminated from their last job. 

But don’t worry! Here’s a list of 10 tips on how to get a new job after getting fired:

1. Process your emotions

One of the most important things you can do when you’re fired is to allow yourself time to process what has happened. Don’t try to hurry through this phase, because there’s no way around it—you’ll just end up feeling overwhelmed and even more confused about what you should do next.

You may be tempted not to share with others how upset or frustrated you feel, especially if it was a sudden firing without warning. But don’t let embarrassment keep you from talking about how hard this is for you! Talk with someone close who will listen and offer support.

If necessary, seek out a therapist who specializes in helping people cope with being fired from their job; they’ll help give unbiased advice based on their experience working with other clients who’ve been through similar situations before – which can be invaluable when trying to make sense of everything.

2. Call people you trust

Call friends, family and mentors who can help you network. Networking is important when it comes to getting a new job. But what many people don’t realize is that it’s equally as important after you’ve lost your current one. After all, if you’re not careful, being fired can be an isolating experience.

If you have no connections in your industry or field of expertise (and even if you do), think about who might be able to help you out: Is there anyone from your past whom you haven’t spoken with in awhile? Do any former bosses still maintain strong ties within their old companies? 

Maybe a friend of yours runs a startup; would he consider hiring someone who was recently laid off? You may find that these people are more receptive than usual because they see themselves as part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

3. Learn from your mistakes

Make a list of what went wrong. Be honest with yourself about what happened. Write down the positive things as well. 

Write down the things you learned from this experience, no matter how painful it was at the time. You never know when this information will come in handy! For example: Is there something that happened with one employer but not others?

If so, put it on your list so that next time you’re applying for jobs, you can avoid making similar mistakes again. You might even be able to use these experiences as material for your cover letters!

4. Create a new CV highlighting your skills and experience

Use keywords from job descriptions and list them at the top of your resume. This will help recruiters know immediately what type of applicant they’re looking for without having to go through all the formalities associated with reading resumes in full detail. 

Additionally, if there are any specific details that don’t fit within a single line, feel free to add bullet points below each item for additional clarity!

Make sure everything looks professional: choose an email address that is easy-to-read, use a professional font; ensure all dates are accurate (especially those listed under education); lastly but most importantly keep each section short so nothing gets lost along the way!

5. Reach out to your contacts

This is probably the best strategy for getting a job after getting fired. Reach out to your network and get a recommendation or referral at companies you’d like to work for. Referrals are the most valuable thing you can do for yourself when looking for a new job, as they allow you to bypass the application process entirely and go straight to an interview.

If you have contacts who work at companies that are hiring, ask them if they would be willing to refer your name or give you an endorsement.

You could also ask people in your network which companies they think would be good fits, and then reach out directly to those companies and ask if there’s anyone there that might be able to provide some assistance.

6. Apply for jobs that match your skills

Find job offers that match your skills and experience, or identify transferable skills from other roles that could help you get hired for a different role than the one you were fired from.

7. Prepare for interviews

Be prepared to answer questions about why you left your last job. It’s best to be honest about what happened. The key here is to be positive and lead with your excitement for the new role.

Don’t dwell on what went wrong at your previous workplace; instead, focus on how this next opportunity will help you grow as a professional and move forward in your career path.

Be prepared to answer questions about why you are excited about the new role. If there was something upsetting or unsatisfying about your last work environment, don’t just say “I like change.”

Instead, show that by providing an example of how this new job offers things that are exciting or different from what was offered before (e.g., more opportunity for growth).

8. Practice interviews

Rehearse interviews with people who have been successful in career transitions or coaching professionals to refine your skills and confidence before going on interviews.

Practice with a friend or family member—or even a former boss or co-worker—to see what kinds of questions they ask you and how they react when you answer them. This can help you identify areas where you need to improve, such as making sure your answers are concise and clear. 

It can also give you an idea of what kind of questions might come up during the interview process so that when it comes time for the real thing, at least it won’t seem completely foreign!

9. Ask questions

If you have an interview, ask the potential employer clarifying questions to understand how your experience will benefit them. Think about your last job, what was the work culture like? Ask questions about the team you would potentially be working with. Ask what expectations the company will have of you if hired.

10. Practice positive self-talk daily

It’s important to have a positive attitude about yourself and your situation. With a negative mindset, it becomes harder to stay positive about everything that comes your way. Positive self-talk helps instill confidence in yourself which is essential when going through job loss or career change.

Here’s an example of some positive self-talk: “I am smart enough, strong enough and good enough to find another job.” This statement will help build up your confidence levels so that any challenges that arise during the search process are easier to overcome.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

You’re not alone. There are people who can help you, and it’s okay to ask for their help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you feel like you’re drowning in the sea of job searching, there’s no shame in getting some assistance from a professional. 

A career coach will be able to guide you through what may feel overwhelming and give you concrete strategies on how to get back into the workforce. They can also help make sure that your job search isn’t going off track when it comes time for interviews and offers by keeping an eye on things from afar while providing feedback along the way.


💡Have you heard of the imposter syndrome? Did you know that it might be affecting your job search? Learn more about this syndrome and how to avoid it. Read more here →

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