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How to stand out as a candidate and land a great job offer
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Written by City Job Offers

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Apply these 4 simple interview tricks and land your next job

Finding the right job takes a lot of effort, and getting an offer even more so. In an increasingly competitive market, it can be difficult to stand out as a candidate and land that perfect job offer.

If you are looking for a new job or your current one has become stagnant, you have to give your best at every step of the interviewing process, from the initial application to final negotiations.

This means being able to identify what makes you stand out from other candidates as well as uncovering their needs as a company before they can identify them in you as a potential employee.

The best way to approach this is by thinking about it like any other business transaction; there must be some kind of value proposition on both sides. You need to know what they need and how you can provide it while also ensuring they’re someone who will help advance your career.

1. Fit the meeting to the interviewer’s schedule

Before the job interview even happens, you can already begin to leave the potential employer with a good impression. When they contact you to set up the interview, make sure to thank them for the opportunity and be polite. 

Try to find a time that works best for them, this shows your generosity. It’s also a good moment to mention how excited you are about the job.

2. Show you’re excited to work with the company

It’s one thing to say you want the job, but if you don’t show it, they might not believe you. So, while you’re in the interview, it’s important to show how much you want to work with the company. 

One way to demonstrate this is to ask a lot of questions about the company and the role you’d be taking on if you get the job. Ask questions like, “What is the company culture like?”, “How many people work here?”, “What is the most challenging part of the job?” and “What are the most exciting projects you’re working on?”

3. Just a have a natural conversation

Interviews are a two way street. Remember, the interviewer is probably just as nervous as you (or maybe more!) so try to make it a normal conversation that flows naturally.

This also helps with nerves and you might even find some things in common that will help you bond with the interviewer. This is a great way to make them remember you!

Try to ask questions throughout the interview and not just at the end of the meeting. This shows that you’ve been listening and will help you learn more about the role and the recruiter will see that you’re engaged and interested in the company.

4. Be transparent about what you want

It’s easy to get caught up in the interview and promise things that you can’t deliver. So, it’s important to be upfront about what you expect from them. This is your chance to show that you’re not afraid to ask for more

If you want to get paid more, or have more vacation days, now is your chance to put it on the table and see if you can negotiate for it. If you have special needs or accommodations, now is the time to share them. 

For example, if you have a disability and want certain things in the office, like an ergonomic chair or a special keyboard, now is the time to let them know.


Getting a job offer is a big deal, and it’s a great sign that the employer wants to hire you. The key to getting the job offer is to be confident, excited about the company, and transparent about what you want. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for more if you feel you deserve it. Now that you know how to get a job offer after an interview, you can rest easier while you wait for their final decision. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to getting the job you want!


💡The job search might lead you to apply for any job but you should always keep your eye out for any red flags. Discover 8 warning signs that you should avoid in a job offer. Read more here →

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