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Google’s new AI interview simulation can help you get your next job
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Written by City Job Offers

Branded Content Creator

Practice job interviews: learn how to improve your answers and even the tone of your voice

When looking for a job, the first interview can be one of the most stressful moments for all candidates. This is normal. Being subjected to an evaluation where someone else makes the decision about your future career can be a bit stressful.

However, the advancements of technology can make our lives easier. Google has now created Interview Warmup, a tool that allows you to practice and simulate an interview as many times as you want. 

To convince the recruiter that you’re the right candidate for the job, you must be sure of yourself. You have to show what you know but you also need to know how to sell those skills to the headhunter. A company needs to know what you will bring to the company to help them achieve their goals.

Why practice?

Practicing will help you be more confident in a  job interview and you’ll be better prepared for any possible questions that may come your way.

Google’s new interview simulator gives you the chance to be more comfortable with the interview process and enhance your performance.

How does it work?

So far, the program has developed interview simulators in these sectors: Data Analytics, E-Commerce, IT Support, Project Management, UX Design and a more general section. The usability and the high volume of users can leave the door open to the future incorporation of more job sectors. 

Interview Warmup finds the most frequent questions, according to experts, that you will be asked in an interview. You answer questions in a written format or you can do it vocally and it will transcribe your answers in real time to analyze your voice. Your answers are evaluated and you recieve tips on how to improve them.

You choose the job type that you’re interested in and do a practice interview of 5 questions or you can search all of the questions that were selected by experts in that field.

Don’t worry your answers are private and no one else will have access to your data. Your audios and transcripts aren’t saved but you can download your answers if you want to have them for future reference.


The program has the benefit that it offers three types of questions:

Background questions about your experience and training. These questions might relate to your past jobs, interests or goals.  

Situational questions which cover how you deal with certain situations. How you have dealt with things in the past and how you would deal with future situations.  

Technical questions which relate to your skills and knowledge. They may test your technical knowledge.  

It will also detect the keywords related to the sector that you incorporated in your answers and will offer a bigger list of related terms to use. It will eliminate or give you synonyms of repeated words and analyze your tone of voice and intonation.

Using AI to find your dream job

With this information, the program will give you insights into what you said in the interview and the talking points you must cover to succeed and move to the next level.

Once you have finished, you can practice with new questions. This allows you to see different perspectives and points to discuss in the interview.

Using artificial intelligence can be used to improve recruitment processes. Now there is a tool that can help candidates improve skills and increase your chances of success.  

Practicing the interview process several times, with programs like Interview Warmup, will give you more security and confidence in your answers. Remember that it’s not only about knowing the position, but also about convincing the recruiter that you are the best option for the role.

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